Tea, Treats, & Treasures Room

Selections for the Tea, Treats, & Treasures   

To Reserve The Tea Room call  #614 554 1609

Located in The Country Christmas Barn 3230 State Rt. 187 London, Ohio 43140



Soup, Sandwiches,

and other selections are available when choosing your menu for your event.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

For The Sweet Tooth                               

Selection of Fresh Bakery Goods Each day to choose from our Menu Board. Such as: Pecan Butter Rum Cake, with hot butter rum sauce, French Vanilla Boston Cream Tarts, Carrot Cake, Better Than Sex Cake, Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate Brownies and more. Prices are from $3.00 to $5.00



E-mail  thecountrychristmasbarn@aol.com


Food is Catered Selections May Vary

Book the Tea Treats & Treasures Room 

Birthday Parties, Showers, Club Meetings, Group Gatherings, and other functions. Call to reserve the room for 10 or more, and the room is yours. Call us, and we will give you all the options. Food is Free; the price for the room is by the number of people and set up. 

Sign up for our Special Tea Parties each month, June through December, Teas, with special topics and speakers. 

Wonderful afternoon teas are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Here are pictures from Tea and Tinsel's Annual Christmas Tea. Our Tea Parties are served in the Traditions of a True English Tea with Scones, Clotted Cream, all the wonderful Savories (a Variety of Sandwiches), and a selection of Desserts on a Three-Tier Tray. You will not go away hungry; most ask for a take-home box. Of course, served with Hot Tea or Coffee. Soft drinks and Bottled water are available.

We will be featuring different themes for each of our teas. Here are a few we will be hosting, The Language of Flowers Tea, Spring Fling Tea, Guys and Dolls Tea (the Guys can treat their favorite lady out for a fabulous tea party and he can enjoy all the yummy food, and in the fall Good Ole Country Tea American Style then we will have a Wine to Witches Dinner we will be brewing up all kinds of things for this one including our 13 days of Halloween...E-mails us to get on the list for our special teas we do sell out on them. Prices vary on Special Teas, luncheons, or dinner. Our email is thecountrychristmasbarn@aol.com 


Yes, We do see the Buffalo from our big porch. Hard to believe we are only 20 minutes from the west side of Columbus and you can see something you think is only in the wild west. 

Pictures from some of our Tour Groups